Monday, February 02, 2009

Earthling In The Orient + A List of Sheal's Passing Obsessions, Episode 45783

so i'm writing this from the philippines. land of the brown monkey. it's like, mad hot here. but i'm totally taking it in because i know when i get back to new york, it'll be like, permafrost.

i haven't been taking many photos here. in fairness, the humidity tires me. the sheer amount of jolography (look that up) is astounding and my retinas would hurt and sometimes i just want to forget the people that i see. there are some fierce dot com kind of people here though, and this is a tribute to them.

HOWEVER. i did find something great amongst the hot oil midget wrestling and fake dvds and knockoff spanish telenovelas: (just kidding, i'll elaborate on my vacation one of these days)

there's this third world tranny named BEBE GANDANGHARI. she used to be a man like totes married to a woman, macho matinee idol and all that, but after going to new york to study MODELING and coming back "girl na girl" which is monkey for "totally transformed." before bebe's transformation, she proclaimed her former self to be DEAD. shitshow to death.

he/she also starred in a movie pre-transformation where she was a common pleb parlor faggot who TRANSforms into a redheaded female superhero (real lady parts and all).

you can even be a fan of bebe on facebook! meanwhile, here's her wiki entry


other passing obsessions of the day;
- Above The Ruins - Songs of the Wolf LP
- Jethro Cave pictorials
- Paris Men's 09
- Thai diet pills
- Skin bleaching on Tyra
- This quote: "I know what people will think. Everyone will hate me. I'm the woman who doesn't like her own child. But I'm speaking out because I'm convinced I'm not alone. I hate myself for the way I feel, but whatever it is that makes a mum want to hug and kiss her child, I have not felt it. Catherine has always felt like someone else's daughter. When the midwives put Catherine into my arms, I felt nothing at all. She didn't feel like my own flesh and blood. She felt dirty."

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